Para os participantes de Economia Brasileira, sugerimos fortemente que utilizem o período entre 02/11 a 09/11 para realizarem as seguintes atividades:
(1) Assistir ao documentário "Laboratório Brasil" (clique aqui), produzido pela TV Câmara, que descreve a longa luta para controle da inflação no Brasil;
(2) Tentar responder as questões de V ou F da ANPEC 2018 sobre os anos FHC, disponíveis aqui.
For the participants at The Behavioral Economics of Global Affairs, we strongly recommend you remember that regular and continuous practice is the best way to learn! Therefore, we suggest you, guys and girls, a few activities in substitution for the classes that will not happen from November 3rd to November 10th, 2017:
(1) Watch this short video, on how the Australian Government is applying Behavioral Tools to design better public policies, click here; remember: you can add subtitles and you can lower the speed of the video, for better listening and understanding.
(2) Have a look at the document MINDSPACE, about UK Government´s Behavioral Economics Approach - or, at least, read its executive summary (pages 7 - 10); the whole document may be accessed by clicking here.