Links for The Behavioral Economics of Global Affairs

All right, everybody... here (below) you have the links for the videos we discussed last time:
(1) Benartzi´s "Saving for tomorrow, tomorrow" (click here);
(2) Goldstein´s "The battle between your present and future self" (here).
Now, for those who could not come to class on Friday, for whatever reason: watch those videos, write down a couple of paragraphs describing each of them, and submit at our next class. You will not get an "absence" for that Friday.

Fichas de Aula de Economia Brasileira

Seguem aabaixo os links para baixarem as fichas de aula dessa segunda metade da disciplina:
- As primeiras décadas da República (aqui);
- Os anos 1930 (aqui);
- O Pós-Guerra (aqui);
- JK e o Plano de Metas (aqui);
-  Crise, Golpe Militar e reformas (aqui);
- Geisel, 2o PND e Choque do Petróleo (aqui);
- A Nova República e a Luta contra a inflação (aqui);
- Privatização e Abertura: Reformas Liberais (aqui);
- O Plano Real e o Controle da Inflação (aqui).

Links for The Behavioral Economics of Global Affairs

Click here to  access the chapter on "Thinking Socially" (WDR 2015)...                .and click here for this week's class notes.